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Who I am

My name is Cassie. I have two phenomenal children who occasionally tolerate me practicing my art on their precious little faces. I am a social worker by day and my art helps me maintain the balance between my roles. 

How I got started

I have always been interested in art; I've played with different mediums sporadically and my inspiration has waxed and waned over the years. My interest in face painting began about six years ago when I painted a logo on my face for a football game. After that I was gifted some good face paints and I began practicing on myself, my children, and my niece just for fun. 


This year I decided that I wanted to make face painting more than just a personal hobby. In April of 2018 I decided to start a business. I began investing a little bit of money at a time to build my kit, and then I started contacting event organizers to get my name out there. I am always looking for events to attend and I rely on and appreciate the word of mouth of all my clients!

Why I do it

Anyone who is artistic in any way understands the drive to create. Being "artistic" doesn't mean that you draw or paint well. Being artistic means that you have creative skills which are used in many different kinds of hobbies! Consider things like fabrication, sewing, carpentry, cooking, and so on. I do it because my mind and my hands tell me to. I do it because I love to share it. Seeing all the smiles and watching every child launched into a world of imagination fueled by their painted characters is inspiring.




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